Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Yummy Creation

If you know me at all, then you know that I don't enjoy cooking. I can cook, my mother did teach me and I don't starve my family, but with my David at home, we've been enjoying his creations in the kitchen. He made this amazing pizza that I had to share. I had David tell me what he did, so here you go:
Pasta sauce, mixed with oregano and some olive oil. Smoked Black Garlic Turkey Breast (shaved), Fresh mushrooms, fresh spinach, mozza cheese, parmesan cheese, topped with baked in fresh on the vine tomatoes - total cost, $7.43 cents.
I can't even begin to describe how yummy this was, but you can have a little peek:

In crafty news, I haven't had a whole lot of creative time lately, I've chosen to hold onto my littles a bit longer these days. I have a few projects on the go and will show them soon. Also, this is my birth month and I've decided to have a birthday giveaway. Stay tuned for the goods and how you can win! Thanks for reading!

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